Note: With joining AzerothCraft you agree that you read, understand and will follow the rules.
You found someone who doesn't follow the rules? Report them on our discord!
All rules stated apply to all players, regardless their playtime, rank, or any other identifiers.
The staff team has the right to change the rules at any time, make exceptions under any circumstances and enforce the rules at their own discretion.

The following rules apply to every server when we make them.

General Rules:

1).Be respectful with ALL players & staff under all circumstances

2).Do not advertise, link, or promote any services that are not related to AzerothGaming.

3).Do not abuse bugs/exploits/glitches. These should be reported to staff through discord.

4).Do not reveal private information of any player other than yourself.

5).Do not make inappropriate builds.

6).Inappropriate Skins/Capes are not allowed. eg, (racist skin, naked lady skin etc)
7). Do not BYPASS punishments by any means (i.e. using alternate accounts, abusing in-game commands/items, etc.). Any person found avoiding penalties, such as playing on an alt, risks having their alt banned and an increase in their original sentence. 

8).Do not AFK MINE or FARM. Any form of macros/auto clickers will result in punishment.
9).Do not scam other players. If you commit to a deal/trade you must hold up your end of the deal.

10).Exchanging items for any currency other than for items is strictly forbidden.

Chat Rules: 


1). Keep all chats/chatting appropriate. Do not discuss anything R rated, controversial, or political.

2). Keep everything nameable in-game appropriate. eg. (player warps, faction names, item names, nicknames, pets, paintings etc)

3). Do not harass, bully, or threaten any players or staff. Excessive Bullying/Taunting will be punished. 

4). Swearing is allowed but within reason. Do not overuse swear words and NEVER use swear words directed at other players.

5). Racism, Discrimination, or any form of Hate Speech is explicitly not tolerated.

6). Do not impersonate staff members, or pretend to be a rank you are not.

I). Do not impersonate other player names either in game or in discord. 

7). Do not Hackusation someone in public all reports of hackers must go through private channels or directly to a mod or admin

8). The Nether and End are both disabled in factions.


1). Any form of Racism, Discrimination or Hate Speech is explicitly forbidden. Please bring anything that breaks this to a staff member through Discord. 


1). Personal insults towards other players are not allowed. (anything that is a personal attack to another player, and not normal trash talking)

2). Do not spam in any way, or attempt to bypass our spam filters. eg. (signs, chat, commands, etc)

3). Only use ENGLISH in the main chat. If you want to use another language please use /msg.

4). Any form of Threatening that insinuates real life consequences will not be tolerated. 

5). Do not BEG staff members for items, events, updates, punishments, etc

Faction Rules:


1). You can not raid or assist in helping a raid on a faction that you have just left or been kicked from. You must wait 48 hours before doing so. This includes sharing coordinates.
Placing unbreakable blocks of any kind, such as bedrock, to make your base unraidable is strictly forbidden

2). No claiming within the 10 chunk buffer limit of another faction. If someone in your faction claims in this way under your faction's behalf, the Leader will be punished.

3) No offline sieging. There must be at least one player online in the faction for it to be sieged. Alts count towards this.  

4). Any unclaimed parts of a base are free game. Any chunk that is claimed may only be sieged when online.


1). No alternate ways to glitch out of combat. If you are combat tagged and you leave combat you will be punished


1). Botting is not Allowed.

2). Client Modifications are not allowed. This includes but is not limited to:

I Printer
I CPS Boosters
I Freecam
I ESP or any other forms of x-ray
I Kill Aura/Mob Aura, Autocrit, Anti-knockback, Reach, Auto-Armor Equip, etc.
3). Anything else which grants an unfair advantage is also against our rules.
4). Do not use modification functions of keyboards and mouses for an increased advantage. (Autoclicking, etc)


1). Alts should only be used for AFK'ing. This can help you keep chunks loaded/active. eg. farms/mob grinders etc.

2). No more than four (4) alts may be used per person no matter what their use is with no more than twelve (12) per faction.

3). The Alts may be used to load farms or mob spawners but may not be used to claim one time rewards.  


1). You are only allowed one (1) Ally. 

2). Any Faction you ally with may not be betrayed. Please go through the proper steps of unallying before attacking. 


1).We do not allow inside, backstabbing or betraying of any kind. This will be enforced by staff, when joining a faction you are joining under the assumption that you are there to help them grow, and win the season. If you are seen trying to inside people all of your alts/main account + your faction will all be given strict punishments.

Code of Conduct

1). No Glitching of Any Kind
I Glitching is not allowed in any shape or form, this includes but not limited to:
II Ender pearl glitching.

II Cosmetic pet glitching

II Use of Frost Walker in order to raid.

II Glitching under/through bedrock.
II Border glitching.
II Use of a fishing rod to bring people into PVP
II Use of a bow from spawn to kill players in PVP

Note: Any other forms of glitching will be enforced by the staff team at their own discretion.

Player Houses: 

1).Players may have only one (1) double chest of loot in the player homes

I You can put shulkers with loot into the double chest

(The homes are mostly cosmetic and cool custom furniture to show off that you have collected and item frames with trophies on display.)

2). PLAYERSHOPS will not be allowed to have ANY loot stored there!!!

3). Any player who does this will risk them losing their shop or their home!


If you lose items for any reason ranging from server bugs/outages, scams, lag etc. We require full screenshots / videos, with zero cropping/editing of the picture / video.

We do not support loans in any capacity, If you loan out an item(and/or) money or other valuables out you are assuming all risk and responsibility.

Rules of the darkzone

1. Players may not teleport out of the zone at ALL!!! (If you find a way let me know and report it)(Those caught breaking rules without telling me get 24hTempBan)
2. Players are not allowed to camp the graveyard of a naked player who has died.
     When you die in the darkzone you respawn in our graveyard
     If you are done with the zone there is an extraction node in the graveyard.
     If you appear to have gear or have something of value players are allowed to kill you over and over for those items
     If you have clearly given up all your items and are sitting at the extraction node players are not allowed to kill you at that                   node only!
             Do not go to another extraction node if you are empty and out of gear! Players are allowed to kill you all the time no                       matter what.
             If a player who has not killed you yet kills you when your empty that is his way of checking if your gear is off your player.
3. Players are not allowed to camp the insertion nodes!
4. Players may not activate more than one node at a time. (You may loose your privilege's to the darkzone if you do this)
     Extraction NPC's are around the map there is 4 of them
     You do not need to be at the extraction node the whole time just when it goes off at the end
     The node will teleport all players within 15 blocks to factions spawn.
5. Custom Armor drops from the Grinders(Husks spawners) only
     Husks - Drop Enchant Drops x0.05
6. Custom Enchant Modifiers drop from all mobs within the zone
7. Loot Drops for area (The percentage is using Zombies as a base so most of these are 0.1%-0.6% Chances of dropping your Enchant loot
     Zombies - Drop Enchant Drops x1
     Axolotl - Drop Enchant Drops x3
     Bat - Drop Enchant Drops x4
     Blaze - Drop Enchant Drops x4
     Enderman - Drop Enchant Drops x4
     Skeleton - Drop Enchant Drops x2
     Spider - Drop Enchant Drops x2
     Stray - Drop Enchant Drops x2
     Vex - Drop Enchant Drops x6
     Witch - Drop Enchant Drops x3
     Wither Skeleton - Drop Enchant Drops x4
8. There is secret areas with spawners hidden and me and Shaman are currently working on adding more secrets and expansions for the zones as you play.